Monday, January 16, 2012

Just Like Bubbles

Imagine a vast expanse of air. Imagine a small child taking in a deep breath of that air, then blowing it out to make bubbles. The air travels from the expanse, into her lungs, then out again and is wrapped in a thin skin of bubble juice. The bubble floats up above the child, rising as she looks on with delight.

Our spiritual experience in life is much like the air in the bubble, if we were to think of it in physical terms. The problem we face is that as the air inside the bubble, we make the mistake of thinking instead that we are the bubble. Our personhood, or ego, is much like the skin of the bubble, holding us together in a seeming separate existence, giving us the illusion of separateness. The more we identify with the skin of the bubble, the more we lose touch with our expansive collective being.

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